We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year. We had a great Christmas, and it wasn't just because we got really great gifts. Sharing our holiday with others and being with family is a really great thing. This year we taught Hailey that getting presents is not the only reason behind Christmas, Christmas is about faith, family and giving back to others. In an attempt to teach Hailey about giving we bought some books and donated them back to our local libraries in her name. We cleaned our our clothes and toys and donated them to charities that can pass them on to others who could use them. We adopted two soldiers overseas and sent them goodies for the holidays. And Hailey got to make gifts to wrap and give to friends and family. We hope that these things can be something we do every year, possibly turn into traditions, and just become second nature to not only receive gifts but to give back to those who are both less fortunate and those who make it possible for us to live in this country and have the luxuries that we do. She's only two, so hopefully it will be something she always remembers doing.
Christmas morning, what a good day!